
若干蛇足  200608

R Lovett and A Harriman in1936 R. Harriman and R. Lovett -1919

The fathers of W. Averell Harriman (S&B 1913) and Lovett were both executives for Union Pacific Railroads. Robert and the Harrimans were childhood friends.

In 1919, Averell Harriman founded WA Harriman and Company, a merchant investment house, now Brown Brothers, Harriman. Harriman took the reins of Union Pacific in 1932 serving as chairman of the board of untill 1942.

Averell had a lifelong interest in Russia, first visiting there in 1899. His last visit at age 91 was in 1983. Averell invested in the USSR soon after the revolution in defiance of federal laws and regulations. The investment firms, Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman?both dominated by "Bonesmen"?were involved in the early financing of Communist Russia. They financed industries, established banks and developed oil and mineral resources.

Later, as Minister to Great Britain in charge of Lend-Lease for Britain and Russia, Harriman created a program, that shipped entire factories into Russia and?according to some who were involved in the deal?was responsible for the transfer of nuclear secrets, plutonium and U.S. dollar printing plates to the USSR.

Harriman and Stalin

Harriman was the US Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1943 to1946) and was a presidential secret envoy to Soviet leaders Stalin, Krushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov.

After World War II, he served as Secretary of Commerce (1946-48), special assistant to President Truman, and the U.S. representative at NATO meetings.

Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Ike, Secretary of Defense R Lovett

and Mutual Security Administration Director W. Harriman-11/51

In 1951, Averell became the Director of the Mutual Security Agency. Working with his fellow "Bonesman" Robert Lovett, who was Secretary of Defense and who had chaired the Lovett Committee in 1947, to organize US intelligence activities, they created a framework of national security apparatus belli, with "organization[s] of covert operations and 'psychological warfare.' "

Harriman served a term as the Governor of New York (1954-58) and went on to dominate the Democratic national party as its "elder statesman" for the rest of his life.

Robert Lovett, was asked by incoming President Kennedy to be Secretary of Defense or Treasury, he declined. But Lovett did suggested his friends, C. Douglas Dillon, investment executive and diplomat; Dean Rusk, Rockefeller Foundation president; and Robert MacNamara of Ford. These three became Treasury Secretary, Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense?the administration's most "important policy making positions"?and some of the "architects of the Vietnam War."

During the Vietnam conflict Harriman served in the State Department as Ambassador at Large for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. He served as Under Secretary of State for Asia (1961-1963) and Under Secretary of State for Political affairs (1963-65), and led peace negotiations with North Vietnam in 1968.

"Stimson's Kindergarten" graduates, William Bundy (S&B 1939) and his brother McGeorge Bundy (S&B 1940), from their positions in the CIA, Department of Defense, the State Department and as Special Assistants to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, exercised significant impact on the flow of information and intelligence during the Vietnam "police action."

William Bundy went on to be editor of Foreign Affairs, the influential quarterly of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). McGeorge became president of the Ford Foundation.

Two partners of WA Harriman and Co.' were Prescott Bush (S&B 1917) and his father-in-law, George Herbert "Bert" Walker. There were many other "Bones" directors and partners, including three from Prescott's class of 1917.

Bert Walker inherited a St. Louis dry-goods import and wholesale business. In 1900, he a started a banking and investment firm named the GH Walker and Company. Walker's family had developed many international banking contacts and he helped organize the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. A wheeler-dealer, Walker was known as the "power behind the throne" in local Democratic politics.

In 1919, Prescott Bush moved to St. Louis after accepting a job offer from Wallace E. Simmons (S&B 1890) in his railroad equipment company. That autumn Prescott met Dorothy, Bert Walker's daughter. That same year, Averell?who needed someone with strong international financial dealings?implored upon Bert to organize The WA Harriman & Co. Averell's brother, Roland "Bunny" Harriman (S&B 1917), was co-owner. Percy Rockefeller (S&B 1904) was a founding financial sponsor and director.

Prescott and his young family went to Connecticut in 1925,where he worked at the Harriman-controlled US Rubber Corp. Then, in 1926, his father-in-law Bert, president of WA Harriman & Company, made Prescott a vice-president. After the firm merged with Brown Brothers and became Brown Brothers, Harriman, Prescott was the managing partner.

On October 20 of 1942, ten months after Pearl Harbor, the US government ordered the seizure of "all the capital stock of the Union Banking Corporation, a New York corporation," by the US Alien Property Custodian. The government order stated "all of which shares are held for the benefit of … members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals … of a designated enemy country…" Prescott was a director and shareholder in the bank.

Averell, Bert and Prescott?using Union Banking, the Hamburg-Amerika Line and other fronts and holding companies?were directly involved in the build-up of Nazi Germany. Corporate lawyer and diplomat, John Foster Dulles, his brother, OSS and CIA spymaster, Allen Dulles, and others helped supply the Third Reich with capital, financial arrangements and asset management services.

This whole arrangement was kept very quiet, marked by only a small notice in the NY Times?years later?on Dec 16, 1944: "The Union Banking Corporation, 39 Broadway, New York has received authority to change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway." No mention was made of the fact that the property had been seized for trading with the enemy, or that 120 Broadway was the Alien Property Custodian's address.

And no 'fuss' was made at all, Prescott, later a US Senator, was still a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman and held directorships for various companies, such as CBS, Dresser Industries, Pan-American Air, Prudential, and U.S. Guaranty and Trust.

An official signature for Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. c. 1931

Some other Skull and Bones partners

JB Madden S&B1941 Lawernce G. Tighe S&B 1941 Stephen Y Hord S&B1921

Trustee for Russell Treasurer of Yale In charge of Chicago office

Trust Assoc

Prescott had another secret, in May of 1918, he and some other "Bonesmen", had stolen Geronimo's skull from the Fort Sill Army Base in Oklahoma. In the fall of 1983, Ned Anderson, Tribal Chairman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe attempted to have the remains of Geronimo returned to his tribe's custody. A newspaper story was written about his search and the Army's resistance towards his quest. Soon thereafter, an "informant provided Anderson with photographs of the stolen remains, and a copy of a Skull and Bones log book in which a 1918 grave robbery had been recorded. The informant said that Skull and Bones members used the pilfered remains in performing some of their Thursday and Sunday night rituals, with Geronimo's skull sitting out on a table in front of them."

" … from a Skull and Bones Society internal history entitled Continuation of the History of Our Order for the Century Celebration, 17 June 1933, by The Little Devil of D'121.

"oFrom the war days [W.W. I] also sprang the mad expedition from the


School of Fire at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, that brought to the T[omb] its

most spectacular "crook,'' the skull of Geronimo the terrible, the

Indian Chief who had taken forty-nine white scalps. An expedition in

late May, 1918, by members of four Clubs [i.e. four graduating-class

years of the Society], Xit D.114, Barebones, Caliban and Dingbat, D.115,

S'Mike D.116, and Hellbender D.117, planned with great caution since in

the words of one of them: "Six army captains robbing a grave wouldn't

look good in the papers.'' The stirring climax was recorded by

Hellbender in the Black Book of D.117: "... The ring of pick on stone

and thud of earth on earth alone disturbs the peace of the prairie. An

axe pried open the iron door of the tomb, and Pat[riarch] Bush entered

and started to dig. We dug in turn, each on relief taking a turn on the

road as guards.... Finally Pat[riarch] Ellery James turned up a bridle,

soon a saddle horn and rotten leathers followed, then wood and then, at

the exact bottom of the small round hole, Pat[riarch] James dug deep and

pried out the trophy itself.... We quickly closed the grave, shut the

door and sped home to Pat[riarch] Mallon's room, where we cleaned the

Bones. Pat[riarch] Mallon sat on the floor liberally applying carbolic

acid. The Skull was fairly clean, having only some flesh inside and a

little hair. I showered and hit the hay ... a happy man....''

After many tries Ned finally met with Jonathan Bush (S&B 1953] brother of then vice-president George Herbert Walker Bush (S&B 1948, DKE) in September 1986. Jonathan told Anderson obliquely "that he would get what he had come after" and said come back tomorrow. Tomorrow never came?the meeting was postponed.

"Bones" attorney Endicott Peabody Davison (S&B 1945) of the law firm Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam, and Roberts was called in. After some delay another meeting was held. Davison brought a display case?resembling the one Ned had a photo of?and a skull. The skull was different and appeared to be that of a child.

According to a 1988, Washington Post article, lawyer Davison wanted the Apache leader to sign an agreement that disallowed "anyone in association with us to make or permit any publication in connection with this transaction.'' Anderson refused. Davison claimed that "the Order's own history book is a hoax." However during the negotiations with Anderson, Davison never gave up the stipulation that "Anderson give up his copy of the book." Ned refused the proffered skull and signed nothing.

The private response from Skull and Bones members is that?if anything at all?Prescott was "conned' into purchasing a fake Geronimo skull and they point to reports of an archivist at Fort Sill who says the grave had been "moved … several years earlier."

Prescott's "alleged" skull theft and his "trading with enemy" were unknown publicly and had no bearing when he ran for Senator in 1950, but last minute revelations of his "contacts with birth controllers" … "cost him the election ... " (Yale and many of the Skull & Bones' family have been at the forefront of the "race-science movement"?a whole story in itself. Yale economist Irving Fisher (S&B 1888), was the founder of the American Eugenics Society.)

In 1952, Eisenhower?an avid golfer?was running for President, having beaten Robert Alphonso Taft (S&B 1910) for the Republican nomination amidst fisticuffs and the first fully televised convention. Prescott a past president of the United States Golf Association was one of Ike's favorite golfing partners. Prescott's father-in-law, Bert, had also served as president of the USGA and in 1922, initiated an amateur golf tournament between the United States and Great Britain and Ireland. Walker donated the trophy and the newspapers christened it the "Walker Cup."

Prescott Bush won a special election?with Ike's help?in 1952, and became the senior US Senator from Connecticut. He served on the Armed Services Committee and helped to keep Connecticut's huge defense contractors busy.

Roland Harriman, Prescott Bush, Knight Woolley and R. Lovett - all S&B and senior Partners at Brown Brothers Harriman - 7/64

Leaving the Senate, in 1962, Prescott rejoined Brown Brothers, Harriman and stayed involved in his family's business, political and social life. He was very instrumental in his son's business and political careers. He passed away in 1972, before he saw his son George Herbert Walker Bush elected to be the second US president from the foreign-based secret society, the Order of Skull and Bones.

But there was more to Prescott than meets the resume.

Prescott Bush had been an operative for Army Intelligence during World War I. He was a liaison to the British and some say he was trained by famous Stewart Menzies, WWII head of the British secret service.

Gordon Gray (another one of Prescott's golfing partners) was the first director of the Psychological Strategy Board, having been installed by the "Harriman security regime" in the early 50's. Gray and his four elite Jupiter Island, Florida, neighbors Prescott Bush, Robert A. Lovett, C. Douglas Dillion and "Jock" Whitney, are, along the Dulles and Harriman brothers considered by some historians to be the "fathers of this permanent covert action monolith". The "secret government" in the shadowy realms of intelligence operations that cloaks its actions with cries of national security.

They created this modern wall of deniality for Eisenhower deep within the government-military-industrial complex?that Ike was later to regret. One of Gray's jobs, as Ike's National Security advisor, was "under the guise of 'oversight' on all US covert action, to protect and hide" the "cryptocracy."

"Gray's son, C. Bowden was President Bush's very helpful "soulmate'", "protector of the president, come what may", White House counsel. He helped to keep George "out of the loop," as George became embroiled in the evolving Iran-Contra scandal.

In 1954, H. S. Richardson, the maker of Vick's cough drops and Vapo-Rub, wrote in a letter to Senator Prescott Bush; "… I want to get your advice and counsel on a subject?namely what should be done with the income from a foundation, which my brothers and I are setting up…"

Eugene Stetson (S&B 1934), an assistant manager for Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers, Harrimans organized the H. Smith Richardson Foundation. The foundation participated in the MK-ULTRA, a CIA domestic covert psychological warfare operation and helped to finance the testing of psychotropic drugs, including LSD, at Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts in the 50's.

During the Iran-Contra operations, the H. Smith Richardson Foundation was a "private donors steering committee," working with the National Security Council to co-ordinate the Office of Public Diplomacy. This was an effort to propagandize the public in favor of and run cover for the Iran-Contra operations, and to coordinate published attacks on opponents of the program.

In 1962, Prescott founded the National Strategy Information Center, with his son, Prescott Bush, Jr. and William Casey, investment banker, OSS veteran ?and future CIA director. The center, among other things, laundered funds for the dissemination of "CIA authored 'news stories' to some 300 newspapers."

Iran-Contra, Watergate are just two of the many scandals that allows glimpses into a "secret government" netherworld. Scandals used to deflect attention away from deeper corruption. A black and gray world where one sees many of the same faces and, yes, George HW Bush is/was in the loop. A deep cover in an alliance of oil and intelligence that has merged with another cabal?intelligence, the mob and drugs. "Drug trafficking" is now in the realm of "national security." There are excuses like?isn't it better that we do it, instead of someone else, and other spurious?whatever's handy hoodwinks and backstops. Here, one is dealing with an "intel" world where a big rule is to leave no fingerprints. Deniability?being out of the loop? are built into systems of overlapping agencies and groups that are used by this "secret government."


The assault upon the rights of American public through an unconstitutional War on Drugs has just been part of a directed cultural, economic, political and real warfare. There is no true public debate or public exposure. ABC's Peter Jennings does series of reports on CIA's shady money dealings?ABC is bought by Bush friend William Casey's influenced Capitol Cities?and the reports stop. Many a policing agency's bust is "compromised" by claims of national security; money and property are given back and get-out-of-jail-cards are routinely used?while us hoi polloi's lives are ruined. Exposes, reporters and agents are summarily squashed, ignored, dismissed, jailed and … killed.

A steady drumbeat of events and news stories is used to create fear and division within our society. The targeted racial realities and exploited fears of the drug trade and drug use are used to subdue many and disenfranchise all parts of the community. Along with the crack, came the reality-cop show "popularizing the police state." More laws, equals more criminals, more prisons, more controls and more corruption. And more money to be made … Prohibition brings higher prices. Competition can be "officially" weeded out and the public pays for anti-drug messages that entreats teens.

Drugs are a hard-metal cash crop. "Gold" from the ground?in some places it can be harvested three times a year. Drugs … is the biggest business on the planet.

But then, this game is not new and has been played before …

R ラベットとAハリマンin1936

R. ハリマンとR.ラベット-1919

W.エーヴレル・ハリマン(S&B 1913)とラベットの父はユニオン・パシフィック鉄道のための両方のエグゼクティブであった。







両方とも「Bonesmen」?によって支配された投資会社、保証信頼、およびブラウン・ブラザーズ、ハリマン?は共産主義� �シアの早い資金調達に関係していた。





第二次世界大戦の後に、彼は商務長官(1946年-48年)、トルーマン大統領への特別なアシスタント、 およびNATOミーティングの米国代表として勤務していた。






ロバート・ラベットで、新しい大統領ケネディによって、国防長官または宝庫であるように頼まれ て、彼は辞退した。

しかし、ラベットはし 彼の友人、C.ダグラスディロン、投資エグゼクティブ、および外交官 、提案された;






「スティムソンの幼稚園」はベトナム「治安活動」の間にCIA、国防総省、情報と知能の流れの上の国務省、およびケネディとジョンソンの大統領への特別なアシスタ� ��トとしての、行使された重要なインパクトのそれらのポジションを卒業する、ウィリアム・バンディ(S&B 1939)と彼の兄弟マクジョージ・バンディ(S&B 1940)。



WAハリマンとCo.'の2人のパートナーが、プレスコットブッシュ(S&B 1917)および彼の義父、ジョージ・ハーバート「バート」ウオーカーであった。






1919年に、彼の鉄道機器会社でウォレスE.シモンズ(S&B 1890)からの求人を受け入れた後に、プレスコット・ブッシュはセントルイスに引っ越した。



エーヴレルの兄弟(ローランド「バニー」ハリマン(S&B 1917))は共同所有者であった。

パーシー・ロックフェラー(S&B 1904)は設立している資金拠出国とディレクターであった。





政府命令は、「株のすべてがテュッセン家の…メンバーのために保持される[と]明示された敵country…の国民…の特性である」プレスコッ� ��が銀行でディレクターと株主であったのを述べた。





「組合バンキング社、39ブロードウェイ、ニューヨークは、その主たる事務所の場所を120ブロ ードウェイに変更する権限を受け取った」。


そして、無'大騒ぎ'は全く起こされて、プレスコット、後でアメリカ上院議員はまだブラウン・ブラザーズ、ハリマンについてのパートナーであり、CBS、Dresser Industries、全米空気、プルデンシャル、および米国保証と信頼など様々な会社のために指導者職を保持した。

ブラウン・ブラザーズ ハリマン&Co.cのための公式なサイン。



JB S&B1941を発狂させなさい。

Lawernce G. タイS&B1941

エールのラッセルTreasurerのためのスティーブンY Hord S&B1921評議員






「情報提供者は、彼らの前に外にテーブルの上に位置しているジェロニモの頭蓋骨によって彼らの木曜日と日曜日の夜の儀式のいくつかを執行することにお� �て、頭蓋骨と骨格のメンバーが盗まれた残りを使うと言った」。


「W.W. Iが、また、その最も豪華出し物をTombに持って来たフォートシル、オクラホマの火の学校から、発狂した遠征を出現させた戦時のoFrom」は、"、ジェロニモ、ひどいことの頭蓋骨、49個の白い戦利品を取ったインドチーフを湾曲させる。

4つのクラブ[すなわち社会の4卒業クラス年]、Xit D.114、ひどくやせた人、キャリバン、および飾り活字、D.115、S'Mike D.116、およびアメリカハンザキD.117のメンバーによる遅い1918年5月の遠征は彼らの1人の言葉において以来偉大な用心によって計画を立てた:







最終的に、Pat[riarch]エラリー・ジェームズは拘束(続いているすぐサドルホーンと腐った皮)を見つけて、それから、木材、それから小さな丸いホ ールの正確な底のPat[riarch]ジェームズは深く掘り、トロフィー自身外でのぞき込んだ…。


Pat[riarch] マロンは石炭酸を寛大に適用しているフロアに座っていた。





明日は決して来なかった 合う?the 延期された 。

法律事務所ウィンスロップ、スティムソン、パトナム、およびロバーツの「骨格」弁護士エンディコット・ピーボディ・デービソン(S&B 1945)は呼ばれた。








ネッドは提供され� �頭蓋骨を断り、何にもサインしなかった。




エ� �ルエコノミストアービングフィッシャー(S&B 1888)はアメリカ優生学社会の創立者であった。)

1952年、アイゼンハワー?に、貪欲であるゴルファー?は、なぐり合いの最中共和党の指名と最初の完全にテレビ放送された大会のためにロバート・アルフォンソ・タフト(S&B 1910)を打ち負かして、大統領に立候補していた。

全米ゴルフ協会の過去の大統領がIkeのお気に入り ゴルフ パートナー のうちの1つであったプレスコット。








彼が、外国ベースの秘密結社(頭蓋骨と骨格の注文)からの第2代米国大統領であるために彼の息子ジョージ・ブッシュが選ばれるのを見る前に、彼は1972年 に亡くなった。


World War I.Heの間の軍隊知能が英国人への連絡であり、いくつかが、彼が有名なステュワート・メンジース(英国のシークレットサービスのWWII頭)によって訓練されたと言うので、プレスコット・ブッシュはスパイであった。


グレーと彼の4つのエリート木星島、フロリダ、プレスコット・ブッシュ隣人、ロバートA.Lovett、 C.ダグラス天文学的数で、そして「ジョック」ホイットニーはそうであり、ダレスとハリマンの兄弟に沿って、「この永久的な隠れた行動モノリスの父」であるために、何人かの歴史家によって考慮した。




「グレーの息子、C.ボーデンは、大統領ブッシュが非常に役立っていることであった」soulmate'"(大統領、どんなことがあろう とも"の"プロテクター)、大統領首席法律顧問。


1954年に、H. S.リチャードソン(ヴィックのせき止めとVapo-Rubのメーカー)はプレスコット・ブッシュ上院議員に手紙を書き込んだ;

「あなたのアドバイスを得て、対象?を、すなわち、私の兄弟と私がup…に課している基礎から収入によってされるべきであることに助言する… I欠乏」

ユージンStetson(S&B 1934)、ブラウン・ブラザーズのプレスコット・ブッシュのための管理補佐職、HarrimansはH.スミス・リチャードソン財団を組織化した。




1962年に、プレスコットは彼の息子、プレスコット・ブッシュJr.、およびウィリアム・ケーシー、投資銀� �家、OSSベテラン?、および未来のCIAディレクターと国家戦略情報センターを設立した。







?が、私達がそれをすることが改良され� ��、他の誰かと他偽である?の代わりに、器用な何でも騙し、バックネットではないように、弁解がある。





ABCのピーター・ジェニングスは、?ABCがブッシュ友人ウィリアム・ケーシーの影響された米国国会議事堂都市?によって買われるCIAのいかがわしいお金取引について のリポートのシリーズをし、リポートはやむ。






クラックとともに、「警察国家を大衆化する。」という現実警官ショーが� ��た。








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