
Companies Who Do Not Drug Screen Virginia

companies who do not drug screen virginia

VA should Amend Drug Test for Welfare for real recipients (Rich people and Corporations) = Tax Cut!

VA should Amend Drug Test for Rich people and Corporations that receive Tax Cuts or Government Subsidies

    I see everyone argument in regards to this issue. However, the difference between welfare for people is no different than welfare that is produced by state and local governments in order for a lot of businesses during this time to stay afloat. The constitution has a Equal Protection Clause that is their to make sure all people are treated fair and impartially to the laws of the United States of America. The welfare is not exclusively meant for parents but realistically for those with children in most cases. Should the kids suffer because of the parents habit. I do not think so because kids are innocent. The kid that does not have drugs in their system should suffer and instead of having a law abiding citizen than we would have a agitated, angry, and hungry to do whatever to take away that hunger in society. 

     The crime rate would go up to astronomical proportions if this law is passed.  However, If Virginia or any other State wants to go this far than all public sector and private sector job creators should be subject to the same testing as required in this bill alongside the Virginia General Assembly elected officials. Furthermore, this law would be hard to pass on a Constiutional standard because our pubic elected officials have immunity and I do not think failing a drug test would warrant the overturning of that immunity.  Virginia has a clause when dealing with children among other states that says what is in the best interest of the child.  I do not believe starving a child because of the parents conduct warrants such cruel and unusual punishment.   The problem is that children would need a guardian at litem or some outsider controlling how the money is spent.  Many advocates of cutting government spending would be looking at another expense.  A lot of legal and administrative costs in trying to implement such a law.  The law in my opinion is broad, arbitrary, and conspicuous.  The system would systematically make job pursuers and employers aware of people personal lives. 

     If they are going to go through your body than they will make it further into your bedroom.  A lot of people would not want their bedroom or private activities exposed.  It would be so many cobwebs and skeletons that would make anyone think twice about having you apart of their company or affiliated with their business.  The standards for welfare are fine in its implementation, but if you decide to add to the requirements than be prepared to give up some freedoms in the process.  I believe this is a huge invasion of privacy that will continue to get worse.  At anytime any citizen or business can be on welfare and dependent of the government in which it claims does to much or too little for people. 

     People that are ok right now are a doctor bill or emergency away from being on the very system in which they condemn.  I do believe if this bill is meant to target people than it should be targeting the businesses as well that take subsidies, tax cuts, and more.  All these different mechanisms put into play is welfare.  It isn't your money being paid, but the government giving it to you to do as you please.  I believe people who get tax cuts should be under the microscope of drug testing.  I can guarantee it would be so much of a uproar because of whom it effects on a mass level. 

     Even rich people and corporations do not like outsiders or government in their business.  Hopefully, if they pass this law than all that condemn it has to be place under the same microscope.  I believe all people that receive any type of tax cut or credit should be subject to random drug testing and not just those that didn't get the extra assistance that these rich people and corporations get from the government.  Welfare is Welfare.  If you receiving any break than you are on welfare.  I guess this law should be a nationwide law in which we walk around as Zombies getting tested.  If the lawmakers amended the law than they would have everyone making over 250,000 marching outside of Richmond, Va asking the government to leave them alone.  This is just my two cents.


The biggest distribution of wealth really comes from poor people to businesses known as job creators and the U.S federal, state, and local government.  A tax, subsidies, grants, etc that the businesses and government receive from poor people.  A lot of businesses would be out of business if it wasn't for the government sending them a check yearly.  The same thing as people being put out their homes if they wasnt receiving unemployment and other benefits in order to cushion the blow of the recession.  If someone keeps saying a line over and over again than eventually some people will believe it.  This is shallow part of thinking and I rather stick into the deep end and lift all the pillows and covers of the businesses and U.S governments bed of cash.  The only people that really have a distribution of wealth argument is middle and low income people.  The benefits that really paid is really a refund and not a handout.  For example:  Gov Mcdonnell proposed giving colleges in the state a extra 100 million in financing.  This is a distribution of wealth as well as government aided assistance which is tantamount to welfare.   Just because a artist paints a copy of a picture doesnt mean it is real.  This is just a picture that some people in partisan politics would like for you to receive.  For all the low and middle class people in the area and throughout America.  Walk around with your head held high and with a huge smile on your face.  It is because of you that everyone is wealthy and doing okay in the recession.  You have done your job and it is time for others to start doing theirs and if not than kick them out.  It is your money keeping them in.  Michelle Bachmann family was able to run a clinic with welfare from the government in the form of a grant.  A earmark that some e complain about is causing higher deficits is welfare for those projects (state/federal/local) including businesses.
  If someone needs proof of the American People distributing wealth than look at your tax stub.   Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are more wealthy than any Presidential candidate and believe that the rich and businesses are not doing their part in fixing America.  It is about time to give them the argument that they can not overcome and that is the American people is your safety net.       Also, I think it is in the government best interest to drug tax everyone including job creators at their top executive positions to see if they are receiving government money while doing drugs.  Also what drugs are going to be classified as illegal.  Their are prescriptions drugs that has components of illegal drugs.  I would love to see the day that a government representative went to a company that receives any type of government assistance to drug test the executives.  This is when you really see people run to Capitol Hill protesting the drug tests while they think it was ok as long as they was testing the real job creators.  The American Taxpayers!  Also, legislatures across the country have a issue with drug testing because they would be affected with them to, and if they didnt have anything to hide, than why did one legislature pull the bill from being voted on officially.  The state is Indiana, where the legislature is predominantely Republican.  Also a Republican introduce a similar bill as well.  So if you have a problem with the drug testing law than tell your local legislatures that are represented in state government that it is time to say goodbye and also send the same message to Margaret Ransone in her hopes of becoming another Republican star at her own expense.  Also send her a tax notice that is stamped with bigotry for party over the American people.

Merle T Rutledge Jr merletrutledg7575159784 Chatham, Va

Merle Rutledge Jr

Chatham, VA


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